There is no substitute for hard work. - Edison
My Github, My Stackoverflow, My Goodreads
@Superheroic (contract work)
@Zaya Learning Labs (Full time )
@Tinyowl (Full time )
Some old small hacks rails-zipper, udacity-webapp (incomplete yet ) .
Packages I have built :
Following is the list of projects in which I was among the key contributors.
IIPS-DAVV Website : The mobile responsive website of the institute from which I did my masters, using LAMP stack,PHP, mysql, Ajax,twitter bootstrap, knockout.js. I am no longer maintaining it .
My Role: developer(frontend+backend), system designer, team-leader
Eventus : A GCDC 2013 project, a temporary social network built for events which was made to ease the communication between the people during the event using Python(flask), Nosql(Google datastore) ,GAE, AJAX, Knockoutjs, twitter bootstrap. I am no longer maintaning it .
My Role: developer(frontend+backend), system designer
CKMG institute : A commercial project built for a management institute in Indore, India using php,mysql,Redbean,AJAX,twitter bootstrap. I am no longer maintaining this
My Role: *developer(backend), database design
Here is an incomplete list of other contributions :